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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৭ নভেম্বর ২০২২



Serial no


Name of the



(PI) and Co-investigator




Link/ Remarks


Effect of Community Base home Gardening and Nutrition Education on Vulnerable Groups and Intervention Study

PI: Dr. Md. Sadekul Islam, SSO, Rangpur.

1. To assess community based home gardening to reduce malnutrition.

2. To evaluate nutrition education to decrease the micronutrients malnutrition.


3.To the effect of home gardening nutrition security and empowering women at household leave



Identification of Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Status of Young Adults in Birishiri, Netrokona

PI: Md. Musfikus Salehin,

SO, Netrokona

1.To characterize the dietary patterns of young adults

2.To compare the associations of these patterns with nutritional status

3.To identify poor diet patterns




Conservation of Indigenous Herbaceous and Semi-woody Medicinal Plant and Their Improvement Under Pot Condition

PI: Dr. Md. Jamal Hossain, SSO Barisal

1. To conserve indigenous medicinal plant in Barishal region.

 2. To screening of high value medicinal plant and develop commercial production technology.



Effects of Nutrition Intervention Among Adolescent Girls in Sunamgonj District

PI: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, SSO, Sunamgonj.

1) To assess nutritional status among adolescence girls.

2) To identify nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice.

3) To assess the personal hygiene practice and household dietary diversity.



88189.1092   or




Nutritional Status Assessment Among Adolescent in Netrokona District of Bangladesh

PI: Dr. Most. Altaf-un-Nahar, SSO, Netrokuna.

1)         To identify the nutritional status of adolescents at netrokona.

2)         To access the relationship between nutritional knowledge and daily practices.

3)         To know the dietary diversity of adolescents at netrokona.



Increasing Family Income and Nutrition Through Intervention of Modern Agro-technology

PI: Dr. Md. Zahir Ullah, SSO, Noakhali.

1. Introduce modern agro technology to the farm family especially for nutritionally rich crops;

2. To assess and analyze the basic nutritional knowledge of family members like children, adolescent girl, pregnant and lactating mother;

 3. To explore the relationship between family income and calorie intake of family members;

4. To explore the status of dietary habit and calorie intake of family members;

5. Training on crops modern technology and nutrition knowledge to the farmers and promote sustainable agriculture with nutrition



The Effect of Mother’s Nutritional-Hygienic Knowledge and Behavior on Children’s Dietary Intake

PI: Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO, Head Office.



  1. To assess mother’s nutritional knowledge and hygiene practices


  1. To identify the effect on dietary diversity as well as the nutritional status of school-going adolescents of Dhaka city.




Submitted for publication to the Indian

Journal of community medicine.


Dietary pattern and physical activity level of rickshaw pullers in Dhaka city

PI: Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO, Head Office.


  1. To evaluate the socioeconomic condition of rickshaw pullers
  2. To assess the calorie intake and dietary diversity  of rickshaw pullers
  3. To assess the sanitary and hygiene practices
  4. To assess the physical activity level of  rickshaw pullers

Paper published as : Socio Economic Profile

and Nutritional Status of the Rickshaw Pullers of

Dhaka City Along with their Energy Intake Gap.

DOI: 10.14302/issn.2379-7835.ijn-20-3406


Improving Nutritional Status Through Homestead Gardening in the Jamuna’s Char Area in Sirajgonj District

PI: Dr. Md. Abdul Mojid, SSO, Sirajgonj.


1) To practices homestead gardening for better nutrition in the Jamuna’s Char area. 

2) To meet up nutritional demand in selected beneficiaries.

3) To increase the knowledge on GAP as well as livelihood, food & nutritional security (SDG- 02).

4) To increase the nutritional knowledge at household level as a result decreases the malnutrition.

5) To increase the knowledge of agro-based food consumption for better nutrition


Journal of


Social and




Res. 9(2):51-56












Assessment of Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Selected Area of Dhaka City

PI: Farjana Rahman Bhuiyan, SSO, Head Office.

CO-PI: Elora Parvin, SO

General Objective:


To explore the basic nutritional knowledge, attitude & practice and dietary habit of adolescent girls in selected area of Dhaka City.


 Specific Objectives:


1.To assess the basic nutritional knowledge, attitude & practice of adolescent girls;

2.To explore the status of dietary habit and calorie intake of adolescent girls;

3. To explore the relationship between the nutritional knowledge and dietary habit of adolescent girls.

1. Nutritional Status and Nutrition-Related

knowledge Among Urban Adolescent Girls

in Bangladesh







2. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding

nutrition among adolescent girls in Dhaka city:

a cross-sectional study








Enhancing Nutritional Security by Homestead Gardening in the Marjat Boar’s Area al Kaligonj in Jhenaidah

PI: Sonia Sarmin, SO, Jhenaidah.

1. To popularize homestead gardening for better nutrition in the Marjat Baor’s area

 2.  To meet up nutritional demand in selected beneficiaries.

3.  To assess and analyze the basic nutritional of beneficiaries of marjat baor’s area

4. To increase the nutritional knowledge at household level as a result decreases the malnutrition



Promotion on Nutrient Enriched Vegetables (Raddish and Cabbage) in Lean Period in Char and Haor area of Bangladesh

PI: Dr. Mohammad Razu







Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of Common Leafy Vegetables in Bangladesh

Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO, Head office  

CO-PI: 1.

1. Prince Biswas, SO

2.Golam Sagir

Ahammad, SO

 3.Shariful Islam, SO


Elora Parvin, SO

5.Rownoke Jannat Janny, SO




Dietary Pattern and Physical Activity Level of Farmers in  Selected Agro ecological Zone

PI: Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO, Head office.

CO-PI: , 1.Elora Parvin, SO

2.Md. Shamsuzzoha, SO


  1. To evaluate the socioeconomic condition of farmers
  2. To explore dietary diversity as well as nutritional status of farmers
  3. To Compute energy expenditure using PAL values for different physical activity categories segregated by age and gender
  4. To evaluate the level of knowledge, awareness and practices of farmers to prevent the health hazards and promote nutritional status


Title of the published paper: Physical activity

level and burden of malnutrition among farmers

of selected agroecological zone of Bangladesh

DOI: 10.31364/SCIRJ/v8.i12.2020.






Microbial Analysis of Street Food and Safety Knowledge of Street vendors in Dhaka City 

PI:Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO, Head Office

Co-PI: Elora Parvin, SO.  

  1. To explore the microbial quality and safety in common consumed street foods


  1. To analysis the awareness on hygiene of vendors during handling the foods


  1. To anlysis the quality of water used in preparing the foods and utensil wash.



Evaluation of Dhahi Collected from Dhaka, Bagura and Sirajgonj and Noakhali District in Bangladesh.

PI:Golam Sagir Ahammad , SO, Head office

Co-PI: Muhammad Omar Faruque, SO

  1. To know the nutrient component of Dahi
  2. To evaluate the quality of dahi in Nutrient content





Nutrients Analysis of Commom Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea) Cultivar in Bangladesh

PI: Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO, Head Office

Co-PI: 1. Prince Biswas, SO

2.Md. Shamsuzzoha, SO.

1.Germplasm Screening on the basis

of nutritional value;

2.To identify the nutritionally rich cultivar.



Assessment of Nutritive Value of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus): The Next Generation Fruit

PI: Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO, Head Office


1. Md. Shariful Islam, SO.  2.Elora Parvin, SO

1. To assess the nutritional quality of

existing Dragon fruit variety in Bangladesh.



Effects of Drying Method on the Nutritional Composition of Pumpkin

PI:Rownoke Jannat Janny, SO, Head Office

CO-PI: 1. Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO

2.Md. Marufur  Rahman, SSO

1.To Compare the nutritional value of raw

pumpkin between pumpkin powder  prepared

by drying

2.To identify the suitable drying method for

the pumpkin powder production



Assessment of Nutritional Value of Non-conventional Locally Available Vegetable in Sirajgaj

PI: Dr. Md. Abdul Majid, SSO, Sirajgonj

Co-PI : Mursaleen Zebin Turin, SO

1. To analyze the nutritional contents of Dill

shak before and after cooking.

2. To analyze the medicinal contents of Dill

shak before and after cooking.



Performance of Aloe Vera as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic

Sources of Fertilizer

PI: Farjana Simi, SO, Brisal

Co-PO: Dr. Md. Jamal Hossain, SSO.

1.To standardize the effective fertilizer

(Organic & Inorganic) does which improve

gel quality and quantity.

2. To use germplasms for future research.



Establish of Color Base Safe Nutrition Garden Model in the Context of Immunity.

PI: Dr. Md. Jamal Hossain, SSO, Barisal

CO-PI: Mursaleen Zebin Turin, SO

1. Improve immune system by intake safe

multi colored vegetables and fruits.

 2. Ensure family food supplies and nutrition.                                                                       

 3. Setup home garden for family income




Assessment of Nutritional value of Non-Conventional Locally Available Vegetables at Netrokona

PI: Dr. Most. Altaf-Un-Nahar, SSO, Netrokuna

1. to collect and conserve non-conventional

locally available vegetables at Netrokona.

2. to know the nutritional value of these

vegetables. c. To address the benefits of

locally available indigenous vegetables of




Collection and Variety Development of Cherry Tomato

PI: Dr. Mohammad Zahir Ullah, SSO, Noakhali


1. Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO


Elora Parvin, SO

1. Characterization of cherry tomato on

fruit color, size, shape and fruit yield.

2. Selection of cherry tomato as advance

line for release as a variety for food and

nutrition security.

3. Seed collection of selected advance line

for multiplication trial



Nutritional Analysis of Ethnic Fruits and Vegetables Locally Available in CHT and Noakhali

PI: Dr. Mohammad Zahir Ullah, SSO, Noakhali

CO-PI: Muhammad Omar Faruque, SO


1. Characterization of collected ethnic fruits

and vegetable germplasm in field level.

2. Evaluation of germplasm on the basis of morphological traits.

3. Conduct nutritional analysis of ethnic fruits

and vegetable collected from CHT (Bandarban, Khagrachari, Rangamati) and Noakhali



Nutritional Value of Non-Conventional Leafy Vegetable Available in Rangpur (Malva vericillata var. crispa L.) for

Better Public Health.

Dr. Md. Sadekul Isalm, SSO, Rongpur

  1. To analyze the Nutritional contents of Napa Shak Brfore and After cooking
  2. To analyze the Medicinal contents of Napa Shak Brfore and After



Study on the Agronomy Character of Mara Shak

Md. Marufur Rahman, SO, Rongpur.

1.To study on the agromorphogenic traits and nutritional contents  of mara shak

2.To know the nature of association of traits,

direct and indirect relation between yield

contributing and nutritional characters

3.To screen out the pure line which are

likely to provide superior yield



Assessment of Nutritional value of Moringa (leaf, Pod) and biochemical study on moringa seed oil

Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, SSO, SUnamgonj

1. To assess the nutritional value of

Moringa pod/leaf.

2. To estimate the biochemical properties

of moringa seed oil.

3. To compare the nutritional value of

moringa before and after cocking.






Genetic improvement for improving nutritional quality in Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.)

PI: Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO, Head Office.


1.Dr. Md. Jamal Hossain, SSO

2.Elora Parvin, SO

3. Prince Biswas, SO

4.Md. Marufur Rahman, SO

5. Md. Shariful Islam, SO


A1.Germplasm Screening on the

basis of Nutritional value;

2.To identify the nutritionally rich

cultivar and

3.Development Nutrition enriches variety. 





Collection, Conservation and Development of Chicken Germplasm through Selection and Breeding to Meet up Safe Nutrition.

PI: Muhammad Omar Faruque, SO, Head office

Co-PI: Golam Sagir Ahammad, SO


1. To collect and rear different types of chicken genetic resources.

2. To up-grade the chicken through selection and cross breeding

3. To compare the nutritional quality among the indigenous chicken, layer and omega-3 (from market) eggs



Assessment of Antibiotic Residues in Broiler Meat at Experimental Level by Maintaining the Residual Period.

PI: Muhammad Omar Faruque, SO, Head office

Co-PI: Golam Sagir Ahammad, SO.


1. To identify the presence of antibiotics in broiler meat.

2. To identify the residual periods of different antibiotics.



Evaluation of Chemical Composition and lipid profile of broiler, indigenous and Sonali chicken meat

PI: Golam Sagir Ahammad, SO, Head Office.

Co-PI: Muhammad Omar Faruque, SO,

1. To reveal chemical composition (nutrient) of poultry meat,

2. To find out the lipid profile of broiler, indigenous and Sonali chicken meat.




Assessment of Carbohydrate Profile of Some Common Fruits and Vegetables

PI: Farjana Rahman Bhuiyan, SSO, Head Office

Co-PI: 1. Md. Maksudul Haque, SSO

2.Rownoke Jannat Janny, SO

  1. To estimate total carbohydrates of two fruits (Guava & Banana) and vegetables (Papaya & pumpkin);
  2. To analyze glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, and fiber separately of two fruits (Guava & Banana) and vegetables (Papaya & pumpkin).



Effect of two cooking methods on the content of vitamins and antioxidant properties of five types commonly consumed vegetables

PI: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, SSO, Sunamgonj.

Co-PI: Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO.

1. To assess and compare in both raw and heated vegetables analyzed in varying proportions.

2. To estimate the percentage loss of vitamin and antioxidant properties of commonly consumed vegetables at different heating time will be observed to be in the order up to 30 min cooking.

3. To examine the effect of cooking time and condition on the quality of Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C and Vitamin-E.



Analysis of organophosphorus pesticide residue in raw and vegetable in selected areas of Bangladesh

PI:Tasnima Mahjabin, SSO, Head Office.

CO-PI: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, SSO

  1. To analyze the quantity of pesticide residue in commonly consumed vegetables.
  2. To observe the pesticide residue amount after cocking vegetables.
  3. To compare the residue limit with MRL level recommended by internal regulatory body and aware community people and provide messages




Nutrition Assessment of different popular mango varieties in northern west Bangladesh

PI: Md. Sadequl Islam, SSO, Rangpur

1. To evaluate nutrition composition of different mango cultivars.

2.To study the comparative antioxidant properties of selected mango cultivars.



Characterization, Anthocyanin and minerals (zinc & iron) content of pigmented rice cultivars

PI: Dr. Mohammad Zahir Ullah, SSO


  1. To characterize of black and red rice cultivars in field level.
  2. Conduct anthocyanin, zinc and iron analysis of black and red rice cultivars.
  3. Preliminary selection of OP black and red rice cultivars on the basis of morphological and nutritional traits.




Assessment of Nutritive and Antinutritive Status of Tomato and Brinjal under Different Fertilizer Management Practices


PI: Dr. Md. Nur Alam Siddiqui, SSO, Jhenaidah

Co-PI: Sonia Sarmin, SO

  1. Estimation of Nutrient status of Tomato and Brinjal.
  2. Determination of Anti-nutritive elements in Tomato and Brinjal.
  3. To identify the best fertilizer management practices.



Nutrient Analysis of common Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) Cultivars in Bangladesh.

PI: Prince Biswas, SO, Head Office

CO-PI : Md. Shariful Islam, SO

1. Find out the nutrition profile of common capsicum cultivars in Bangladesh;

2. To identify the nutritionally rich cultivar



Collection, evaluation and identification of suitable colocasia as a potential Source of high Iron enriched leafy vegetables

PI: Dr. Md. Abdul Majid, SSO, Sirajgonj

CO-PI: Mursaleen Zebin Turin, SO.

1.To Collect local and evaluation of colocasia germplasm

2. To analyze the Iron content

3. To recommend high iron enrich colocasia cultivar



Effect of Refrigeration on Nutritional Quality and Shelf life of Important Horticultural Crops. 


PI: Dr. Most. Altaf-Un-Nahar, SSO, Netrokona

1.  To assess the nutritional quality of selected fruits and vegetables under refrigerated storage conditions;

 2.  To evaluate the relationship between shelf life and nutritional quality of selected fruits and vegetables during storage 



Effect of Different Drying Techniques on the Nutritional Value of Mushrooms Available in Bangladesh   

PI: Md. Musfikus Salehin, SO, Netrokona

  1. To compare the nutritional content in raw and dried from of mushroom


  1. To identify the best techniques for mushroom powder production


•3. To Compare the nutritional value of Mushroom powders derived from different varieties



Evaluation of Parameter and Shelf life of Guava and Dragon Fruit by Using Bio-preservatives.   

PI: Md. Shariful Islam, SO, Head Office

Co-investigators: 1.Prince Biswas, SO.

2. Elora Parvin, SO.

  1. To analyze different parameters of guava and dragon fruit after application of bio preservatives
  2. To assess the shelf life of guava and dragon fruits under different treatment



Collection of Nutritional Potential Aroids Cultivar and Postharvest Quality

PI: Dr. Md. Jamal Hossain, SSO, Barishal

 Co-PI:  Farjana Simi, SO.

1.  Collection and selection of nutritional rich Aroid cultivar.

2. Determine the nutrient, physicochemical, and functional properties of aroid varieties.

3. Determine dietary patterns that include aroid and aroid products in food groups, and their association to human body immune system.









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